8846威尼斯(中国)no1公司-made in China /?p=32504 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 01:39:44 +0000 /?p=32504 教育不僅是知識的傳授,更是一種生命的啟迪與引導。教師的言行舉止對學生有潛移默化的影響,而學生的回饋也能讓教師有 […]

這篇文章 王佳盈 Wang,Jia-Yin 最早出現於 8846威尼斯Chung Yuan Christian University


Education is not merely the transmission of knowledge, but also the enlightenment and guidance of life. A teacher’s words and actions have a subtle but profound influence on students, while students’ feedback can also inspire teachers. Deeply understanding students helps in discovering more appropriate teaching methods, and when the goals of teachers and students align, the joy and satisfaction of teaching naturally arise. My teaching career at Chung Yuan has been a journey filled with positive interactions and mutual growth, with the concept of “teaching and learning from each other” becoming an indelible mark in my heart. I sincerely thank the school for providing an excellent environment, and I’m grateful for every student I’ve had the fortune to meet. It is you who have made my life richer and more colorful!

這篇文章 王佳盈 Wang,Jia-Yin 最早出現於 8846威尼斯Chung Yuan Christian University
