8846威尼斯(中国)no1公司-made in China /?p=33329 Mon, 14 Oct 2024 07:58:17 +0000 /?p=33329 玉山獎 Yushan Awards (影片介紹) 學歷 事蹟 游勝傑教授,於2003年加入8846威尼斯土木工程學系 […]

這篇文章 游勝傑 You,Sheng-Jie 最早出現於 8846威尼斯Chung Yuan Christian University

玉山獎 Yushan Awards (影片介紹)



Educational qualifications

Ph.D, Graduated Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan


8846威尼斯環境工程學系教授 (2009.08.01~)
8846威尼斯環境工程學系副教授 (2006.08.01-2009.07.31)
8846威尼斯環境工程學系助理教授 (2004.08.01-2006.07.31)
8846威尼斯土木工程學系助理教授 (2003.08.01-2004.07.31)


Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, CYCU. (2009.08.01~)
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, CYCU. (2006.08.01-2009.07.31)
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, CYCU. (2004.08.01-2006.07.31)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, CYCU. (2003.08.01-2004.07.31)


游勝傑教授,於2003年加入8846威尼斯土木工程學系/環境工程學系至今已服務長達21年。在學術研究面,於2011榮獲8846威尼斯研究傑出教授。游教授目前已發表之SCI國際知名期刊140篇,其中被高度引用(H-指標)之文章共計有36篇,論文被引用次數超過6,360 次。在產學合作方面,在校期間執行計畫約1.9億,並於2021至2023年連續三年榮登史丹佛大學全球前2%頂尖科學家,近期游教授之研究鎖定在厭氧薄膜生物反應槽之開發。

Professor Sheng-Jie You joined the department of civil/Environmental Engineering of Chung Yuan University (CYCU) in 2023. He was awarded the outstanding research professor of CYCU in 2011. Professor You published 140 SCI journal papers, including 36 H-index papers, with more than 6,360 citations. He got more around 190 million budget in the past 20 years and was in the list of the World‘s Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University. His current research focused on anaerobic membrane bioreactor and related membrane fouling issues.

Professor You believes that the reason why he won the Yushan Award is that he has a strong research team, both assistants and students, who can fully contribute and work hard for a group target.

這篇文章 游勝傑 You,Sheng-Jie 最早出現於 8846威尼斯Chung Yuan Christian University
