
闕豪恩 Chueh,Hao-En


During your university journey, it’s impossible for the path to always be smooth. When you face difficulties, remember that there are people here who are willing to listen and help you. Professor Que believes that as a teacher, one not only carries the responsibility of teaching but also serves as a lighthouse in the vast sea, guiding students in the right direction and offering appropriate support when they encounter challenges.




Subtle Expression of Unique Ideas

The students in the Information Management Department come from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their own unique qualities. This diversity significantly enriches the learning environment. Some students come from the natural or social sciences in regular high schools, while others have vocational school backgrounds. This variety introduces different strengths and challenges. Though they start from different points, it is precisely these diverse characteristics that create a unique chemistry within the class and department, adding to the richness of the learning experience.

Professor Que also mentioned that while some parts of the projects and programming assignments in the department can be completed individually, others require teamwork. A team with diverse perspectives not only becomes more well-rounded but also enhances its overall adaptability and creativity. Additionally, a diverse team stimulates creative thinking, teaching students to approach problems from different angles, ultimately leading to more innovative solutions.




Building a Relaxed and Friendly Relationship

Each semester, Professor Que organizes gatherings where students can meet up, share updates, and enjoy a meal together. Over the course of four years, it was the students who introduced him to the best local restaurants, adding to his list of favorite places, each of which holds special memories. He humorously mentioned that he frequently keeps in touch with students to stay updated on their academic progress and life situations. This allows him to help them solve academic challenges, navigate life difficulties, and even provide guidance for future planning.

Professor Que hopes to establish a relaxed and natural relationship with his students, more like friends than the traditional teacher-student hierarchy. He sees himself as a senior friend, enabling him to better understand and support his students. His motivation for teaching comes from the support he received from many teachers during his own academic journey. These experiences have shaped his philosophy, inspiring him to pass on this positive influence to his students and make improvements whenever needed.

築夢中原 收穫友誼與成長



Building Dreams, Gaining Friendship and Growth

They say that the friendships formed in university are the purest. While everyone’s future paths may differ, the time spent together here is filled with countless unique and unforgettable moments, making university life rich with choices and freedom. Each person’s experience is one of a kind, and these moments will become some of the most cherished memories in your life.

Professor Que wishes everyone the best in creating their own remarkable journey. No matter what challenges you may face, he hopes you will confront them with courage. And always remember, at Chung Yuan Christian University, there is a group of warm-hearted people continuously supporting you!

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