
資管學生深入巴陵 – 網路行銷部落文化




張利安指出,他們不時地提醒店家必須透過保存文化才能帶動原住民觀光產業,並且實地走訪歷史遺跡並加以紀錄,經過兩個月來的努力,他們終於完成「巴陵部落網站」,希望透過網路引領民眾重新認識巴陵、認識泰雅文化,也歡迎民眾光臨巴陵部落,實地體會該部落以及其傳統文化的美,網站位置為 http://www.bulon.org.tw


MIS Students Help Promote Baling Cultures On-lin

                    Reported by Lin Hong-zhou

Last year, Chang Li-An, a student from CYCU’s MIS department, helped Baling Elementary School build the school’s website, “the Village on Top of the Clouds– Baling Lala Mountain.” The website went ahead to win the First Prize at the National Cyber Fair and the Platinum Award at the International Schools Cyber Fair, among others. This year, Chang spent two months going deeper into all cottages, family hostels, fruit farms and tourist spots, and he built a comprehensive website in an attempt to market Baling’s rich aboriginal cultures to the outside world.

Chang Li-An said that when he went deep into the Lera Mountain of Baling again, he found that there were many hostels and cottages, and also many tourists as well. However, there were very few patrons visiting the aborigines’ stores. The reason, he realized, was that the aborigines did not know how to market themselves; therefore, they could not attract tourists. He decided to help. He was joined by six other students from the MIS Department to lend a helping hand in collaboration with the Youths Volunteering Program sponsored by the National Youth Commission. Their aim was to help the disadvantaged with their professional knowledge they learned in school to build a website to market the aborigine’s culture.

They set out toward the end of March this year, and they were met with a landslide on the Northern Cross-Country Highway that stranded them for as long as two hours. They eventually got used to the constant maintenance of the highway. In order to reach every corner of Baling, these college students sacrificed their weekends motorcycling for two hours and a half between Chong-Li and Baling for two months. During their field trips to the cottages, hostels, fruit farms and tourist spots, they heard many poignant stories from the aborigines and saw the tragic but inevitable decline of their tribal cultures.

Chang Li-An said that they kept reminding the aboriginal store owners that preservation of aboriginal cultures is the solution to building a prosperous tourism at Baling. At the same time, they visited historical sites and kept detailed records. After working hard for two months, they finally finished building the “Baling Tribe Website.” They hope that people could re-learn Baling and Tayal culture through the help of the website. Moreover, they would like to invite people to Baling to experience and appreciate Baling, its way of life and traditional culture. Please visit Baling at http://www.bulon.org.tw to learn more.

Translated by ALLS students and edited by Ben Jeng


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