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開幕表演由人育學院學生打頭陣,為感恩典禮揭開溫馨美麗的一頁;接著由8846威尼斯教職員工與學生一同獻上「聖哉,聖哉」、「獻上感恩」、「And the Glory of the Lord」等三首詩歌,除了感謝現場所有與會人士之外,更感謝對「全人教育村」付出心血、金錢的所有校友與社會賢達。




Taiwan’s First Holistic Complex Officially Open at Chung Yuan Christian University

                    Reported by Lin Hong-zhou

The Holistic Complex of Chung Yuan University, the first of its kind established through private fund-raising, was formally opened on April 28. To commemorate this joyous occasion, a thanksgiving ceremony was held in the new Re-li Chapel within the Complex with a program which included hymns sung by CYCU faculty and students and words of appreciation to people from various sectors of society who have contributed generously to the construction of this complex. It is hoped that with the Holistic Complex in full operation, the philosophy and spirit of holistic education preached and practiced by CYCU will be further promoted.

Students from the College of Humanities began the program with a cheerleading exhibition for the opening of the ceremony, filling the atmosphere with great festivity and warmth. Then CYCU faculty and students dedicated to God three hymns: “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Give Thanks,” and “And The Glory of the Lord. ” There were words of appreciation to all participants, among whom were alumni of CYCU and prominent members of society whose contributions in the form of funds or talents have made this dream come true.

The Holistic Complex covers a ground area of 2,304 pings and a floored area of 7,317 pings on all levels, with a spacious parking lot in the basement.The whole structure consists of three parts: northern, central and southern buildings. The northern building has 6 floors serving administrative units, including the Office for Alumni Association, the Student Counseling Center, the Health Center, a conference hall, a performance hall, and an exhibition hall. The 5-story central building houses the chaplain’s office and a chapel which also serves as a concert hall. It’s a place for spiritual nourishment. The southern building with nine floors provides teaching space for the College of Humanities and Education, under which are the Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies, the Department of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (the first department for the training of teachers of Mandarin in Taiwan), the Graduate School of Religion, the Department of Special Education (a unique department with a center for early treatment of children with special needs), the Center for Teacher Education and the Center for General Education.

Education is of vital and lasting importance to a country. Chung Yuan Christian University endeavors to promote higher education and develop its unique vision of holistic education” based on the love of Jesus Christ for humanity as well as the University’s educational philosophy focusing on faith, hope and love. With the completion of the Holistic Complex, CYCU will provide a greater space not only for closer human interactions, but also for academic as well as spiritual pursuits. It is hoped that through the balance among the body, the mind and the soul, CYCU can put its ideal of holistic education firmly rooted.

Translated by Zhang Yu-qian, Jiang Yi-jin, Zhan Zhong-mou, Liu Li-mei,Edited by Zeng Ting-fang.Polished by May Tang Liming


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