
中原運動會熱鬧繽紛 – 宛若嘉年華會






CYCU’s Athletic Meeting Like a Carnival

March 24th and 25th marked the annual athletic meeting at CYCU. It was drizzling, but the students’ enthusiasm was not at all dampened. Students decorated their own cheerleading areas by various flags and banners. The sports field was beaming with bustle and excitement. Besides the track and field contest, the decoration of the cheerleading area was a major event on this day.

In a traditional fashion, all departments marched around the field as part of the opening ceremony. This gave the students a special opportunity to show off their creativity. All kinds of costumes and accessories were made for the occasion with a carnival spirit. When they paraded past the platform, the crowds greeted them with thunderous applause. Students and foreign professors of the Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies held and waved national flags of countries to highlight globalization. Boys from the Department of Mathematics simply wrapped their bodies with their department flags, exposing their strong and stout arms. With camouflage painted on their faces, they looked as if they were warriors. In addition, Department of Mechanical Engineering recreated an old locomotive and the ancient Chinese compass cart, symbolizing the evolution of mechanical engineering, and giving a hint that they would charge ahead with a locomotive-like momentum.

Considered the most creative department, the Department of Management Information Systems staged a Japanese martial art performance after their highly praised “ The Qin Emperor and the Assassin” last year. The department chair, Prof. Wu Chao-Ming and all the professors dressed up as samurai, and staged a fight among them. The leading samurai played by Prof. Wu Chao-Ming won the battle, winning himself a beauty and showing their determination to win the Grand Prize for Solidarity and Athletic Spirit. The newly established Applied Studies in Chinese Language and Culture arranged a “century wedding ceremony” symbolizing its marrying into CYCU. The department and CYCU, of course, are a perfect match.

In addition to the intensive races that were held in the stadium, today also saw the cheerleading competition at 6:00 in the evening. Sixteen teams including the Department of Information and Computer Engineering participated in the competition this year. In order to remain in their best condition, each team kept practicing beside the field. Their fancy, colorful clothes and the highly difficult acts attracted many people to watch. Their practice also served as the best advertisement for the competition in the evening.

Translated by Li Wei-Chen, Chen Yung-Hung, Tasi Ya-Nian, and Huang Chung- Jie and edited by Ben Jeng.


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