
導師會議 – 全校導師齊聚討論網路時代輔導問題







Advisors’ Conference

CYCU Teachers Share Ideas for Counseling in Internet Era

By Wu Mei-yi

On October 25th, 153 teachers and their families from our school gathered at a holiday resort at Kuan-Hsi, Hsin-Chu to attend the “Advisors’ Conference” to exchange counseling experiences related to the recent influence on the learning and values of college students. The discussion focused on how teachers can maintain their counseling abilities in light of the changes brought about by the Internet environment.

At the conference, President Hsiung announced to all the teachers of CYCU that our school is a research university which focuses on holistic education. Teachers should show loving care to their students and teach them with the ideals of faith, hope and love. The president also honored the following six teachers with the Excellent Teacher of the Year Award : Lin You-fu of the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Chen Guan-yu of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Zhen Zi-wei of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Chen Chung-guan, of the Dept. of Accounting, Zhuang Xiu-tian of the Dept. of Interior Design, Fan Ai-qun of the Dept. of Commercial Design.

Prof. Liu A-rong, head of the Graduate Institute of Hakka Studies of National Central University, was also invited to deliver a speech on the topic “Internet: Involvement or Entanglement?” He pointed out that, although the coming of the Internet Age has brought negative influences on teaching and counseling, the Internet is a good tool for improving the interactions with students. For example, interactive teaching can be used through the Internet; and psychological consultation and counseling can help traditional teaching and counseling methods to complement each other. On the other hand, Liu reminded everyone to think further about such problems as students’ false value systems obtained from the amount of superficial information received through Internet interactions, shallowness in learning, ignorance of Internet culture and etiquette, etc. Later, the director of the CYCU Computer Center, He Jia-sheng, explained the security problems of the Internet by citing actual cases on our campus.

The main activity of the conference, hosted by the heads of five colleges, was the group discussion, which allowed teachers to communicate and interact fully. Each group directed their discussions under five major topics: the problems with making friends on the Internet, the problems with Internet games, the problems with laws on the Internet, the problems with commercial activities on the Internet, and the cultural characteristics of Internet environment. After the discussion, teachers from each group made brief reports to share their experience and gain consensus. In the afternoon, teachers enjoyed picnicking with their families or using various recreational facilities in the holiday village.

Translated by Hu Wan-yi, Chen Chun-yin, Zen Shu-hao, Chen Pei-xuan

Edited by: Steven Zhang

Polished by: Tang Li-ming


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